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We offer you an extensive range of tried and tested accessories for chemical surface treatment applications. We would like to present some of the most frequently requested items here. Please note that we only present the most important accessories and industrial safety parts. Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Magnetkreiselpumpen, Tauchpumpen, Membranpumpen und Kolbenpumpen


Our portfolio includes proven pumps for use in chemical surface treatment technology: Magnetically coupled centrifugal pumps, submersible pumps, diaphragm pumps and reciprocating pumps. Tell us your requirements and we will select the most suitable pump for you.

Drei Niveaufühler zur Regelung und Überwachung von Füllständen

Level sensors

For the control and monitoring of fill levels. Various measurement systems: conductive level sensors, float switches and level switches. Switching states according to customer requirements.

Keramische Gliederheizkörper

Sectional radiators

Ceramic sectional radiators with high heat-resistant heating elements. Performance and surface resistance are designed for a long service life and good safety during operation. Available with diameters 32, 45 and 57 mm; Type of current: 230 V AC, 400 V AC and 400 V DC. Heating output and installation length according to customer requirements.

Heizregister zum Einhängen in die Behandlungsbäder

Immersion heating coils

Fully assembled heating coils for suspension in the treatment baths enable better cleaning compared to permanently installed heating systems. Manufactured to customer requirements in steel or stainless steel. Immersion heating coils are also available as PTFE heating coils.

Fühler für elektronische Temperaturregler

Temperature sensor and accessories

For electronic temperature controllers, installed in: Angled steel or stainless steel protective pipes for attachment to the bath edge, threaded protective pipes, flexible PTFE tubes (e.g. for pickling baths) or Pt100 sensors without protective jackets.

Filtersysteme zur Badreinigung


The cleanliness of the sinks increases your product quality. We offer a comprehensive and customised range of filters and filter stations to meet your needs. The use of filters can minimise water consumption and therefore contribute to the sustainability of your coating.

optisches Messinstrument zur Konzentrationsbestimmung

Hand refractometer

Optical measurement instrument for concentration determination; Measuring range: 0 to 32 %, includes case, pipette and calibration solution.

Handschuhe für den Umgang mit Gefahrstoffen

Chemical-resistant gloves

For use with hazardous materials; 400 mm long; Material: Nitrile rubber.

Augen- bzw. Gesichtsschutz

Eye and face protection

In various designs, depending on application case: Frame glasses, safety goggles or protective hoods.